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Carnival in Malaga 


If someone would ask me how I can describe in a few words Carnival in Malaga, for sure I'd use the words - extremely colourful, joyful, rich in events and unique outfits. I would not lie saying that the week of the carnival "fiestas" makes a real impression, especially when you are taking part in it for the first time. 


Carnival takes place in the period before Lent, while reminding everyone that these are the last days of winter, and waiting for the next big event, which is the Semana Santa. Street celebration definitely awakened its people, and the same city that the faced colder aura again become a vibrant and colorful.


This is the time filled with dressed-up groups performing various shows, actively taking part in the event. All this can be found both on the main street of Calle Larios and "around the corners" of small streets. Each team collects around himself a large group of spectators involving almost everyone into cheerfull fiesta. Certainly many people would smile at the sight of originaly costumed children and adults. Sometimes I wondering who is playing better or who likes dressing up more - the children or their parents ;) 


Real impression makes contests of spectacularly dressed people who fights for the title of "God" and the King of Carnival. Winners participate in the big, several hours procession through the streets, accompanied by real fiesta atmosphere filled with music, dancing and fun.


Carnaval de Malaga I recommend to anyone who wants to have fun and celebrate the joyful and colorful moments in true Spanish style, forgetting the gray, long winter evenings :)



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